Trust....That seems to be a foreign word to some of us in the business industry of 2007. It seems like everywhere we turn there are people out there trying to make a quick buck and they don't seem to care who they have to step over to do it. I have recently seen this issue come to light. I was involved with a real estate transaction that involved a particular builder in the Nashville area ( no names mentioned, unless you call and ask me!) where that trust was breached. My client and I were both promised something that never came to light. Unfortunately my client was taken advantage of and we both learned a very valuable lesson.
On a similar topic, I have dealt with more than one mortgage officer that promised things that could not be done. Then left my client sitting at the closing table with a blank stare on his face. There are also times that I have answered questions from unrepresented buyers that get into their new home only to find major problems that were never addressed during their inspections. They thought they didn't need the help of a professional, until it was too late.
With all of that said..........(I'm going somewhere with this, I promise) .......Business, real estate, relationships, they are all based around trust and being educated before jumping into something. That is why it is imperative that you as educated buyers do your homework before making a major decision like buying or selling a home. The numbers tell you that selling your home For Sale By Owner will NOT bring you more money for your home. In fact the numbers say that you are far more likely to get more for your home when a realtor markets your property. That is including the realtor's commission. Also, never never never (did I say never) walk into a builder's office on a new construction site unrepresented. I can't tell you about the nightmares that I have seen people go through when trying to work directly with a big name builder. It's like going into a court of law trying to defend yourself without a lawyer. Just remember, you get what you pay for in this life.
In the industry we are seeing a wave of discount brokers. Those that will list your home at a discounted price. Discount brokers give you discount service. An investment like your home should never go to the lowest bidder. If you are ever contacted by a discount broker that will sell your home for a fraction of the cost, ask to see his marketing plan. Ask him how much work he is going to do for you. What marketing tools does he have to sell your home for the most amount of money? More importantly, is he or she motivated to have your best interest in mind even though you aren't paying him very well?
This industry is all about trust. You put your investments into the hands of those that you can trust, and only after you have done your homework for yourself. Even though you hire someone to help you, you should always do as much for your own education as possible. There is no such thing as too much education.
Let me leave you with this thought. Never do anything that your gut tells you isn't right. Put your trust into professionals that truly have your best interest in mind. Cheaper isn't always better. You wouldn't want your 16 year old daughter to have her brakes fixed by the cheapest mechanic in town, why would you want to list your home with the cheapest realtor in town?
Thanks for stopping by. Visit my website at http://www.nickwoodard.com/ for a list of people you CAN TRUST and for a ton of other useful information. My the Lord bless you today and always.
God Bless,
Nick Woodard
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